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We Are Natural Healers

Mimi Takeuchi

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Our body was meant to heal naturally, it comes with a self healing mechanism called homeostasis. 

Self-healing has been in place for thousands of years and the great news is that science has now confirmed it. We can take care of our OWN physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

We produce our internal medicine via “ki” or “qi”, our internal medicine | life force.  Our body, mind and spirit produce this profound medicine.  The side effects are substantially different from pharmaceutical medications, the side effect is health..

Our every day life style choices produce self-healing or self-destruct. The status of our lifestyle is fairly obvious, when a person is under poor nutrition and no self-health one tends to be typically exhausted and frustrated.  But on the other hand, a person who has regular health enhancement practices for the mind, body and spirit is typically radiant and energetic. So what is important is to remember to incorporate positive practices.

Breathwork is important to pump the lymphatic system in addition produce good chemicals in the brain and endocrine glands.

The practice of qigong, taichi and yoga incorporate body movement, breathing and deep relaxation which produce health enhancement and self healing. When gentle movement is integrated with full relaxed breathing and deep relaxation of mind, the body enters into a healing and restorative state. 

This has a distinct effect in the blood, the nervous system, this immune system, lymphatic system and oxygen metabolism.

So check in with your body and see what support it needs. You know best!

Do you need more energy, perhaps you need to support your adrenals & kidneys?  Do your lungs need support? Your liver? Your stomach? Your heart? Do you need more sleep? Of course, you know! So schedule in more time for sleep! Are you eating weak, toxic & addictive foods like sugar and flour? If so, drop them & definitely add stronger foods like root vegetables and herbs!

Focus on health and of course not disease. So listen to your body see what it needs, you know best because remember our bodies were meant to heal naturally.


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