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My Favorite Topic: Anti-Aging | Super-Aging

Mimi Takeuchi

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

What is anti-aging? 

Cells have a lifespan, anti-aging is neutralizing, slowing down and reversing the aging process.

Free radicals = Aging. 

Visually, when an apple is cut and turns brown oxidation or aging occurred. Scientifically, when a molecule is missing an electron, the electron seeks to become whole and it steals an electron, the area where they stole the electron is damaged (browning of apple). 

Toxins (environmental, pollution, stress, negative energy) and an unhealthy diet (sugars and processed foods-acidic body) produces these free radicals and can accelerate aging.

So detox, cleansing your system and eating healthy nourish your body and support anti-aging. We can detox and cleanse our bodies naturally by drinking water, moving and sweating, defecating, breathing and sleeping. 

We nourish our bodies by eating nutritionally dense whole foods but more importantly consuming strong foods which typically have a higher antioxidant component, as antioxidants neutralize free radicals.  Rich colored foods, herbs and medicinal mushrooms are key to anti-aging.  

I believe an Anti-Aging or the new word Super-Ager lifestyle includes a holistic and wholistic lifestyle. A healthy and natural lifestyle for the mind, body and spirit.  


- Eating nutritionally dense umami rich semi-vegetarian meals

- Adding strong foods like medicinal mushrooms

- Natural activities and movements such as dance, yoga, tai-chi walking etc.


- Spiritual practice (whether religion or gratitude)

- A rich family and social life 


- Low levels of stress

- Relaxation (meditation, sleep)


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