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Healthy Tastes Delicious

I am a foodie so I knew that there was a correlation between yummy foods and health.  I never counted calories, always ate full fat, and enjoyed my meals but did not have problems with weight.  I instinctively knew something didn’t make sense about eating fewer calories and eating non-fat, which now I know was just marketing and misinformation.


One of the keys to health is eating deliciously. Eating deliciously includes a diverse dish, enjoying its scents, savoring flavors, having fun with the different textures, appreciating the colors and most of all having gratitude for this gustatory satisfaction to be on our plates!


Check out this wonderful Japanese foodie word “Umami” - translated as Delicious Taste: 

Spicy Salad


Umami is just nutrients essential for life (scientifically they are beneficial amino acids). Nature just made necessary nutrients delicious.  


A great example is a baby sensing mothers milk which is rich in Umami allowing the baby to detect nourishment.  


This deliciousness is essential for brain power and muscle. Cuisines everywhere have this concept - Bone broth (protein & veggies) like chicken soup from all over the world that soothes our soul.


One of my favorite traditional Japanese seasonal broth is Dobinmushi - which happens to be an exquisite delicate seafood broth with matsutake mushrooms. 

Wild Mushrooms


The concept is that the supermarket foods are weaker foods so you want to make sure you add the strong and forgotten foods. 


The strong foods are root vegetables like daikon, ginger, sweet yams/potatoes and herbs such as parsley, basil, and oregano.  Infamous gingseng and turmeric are also great examples, medicinal mushrooms are key forgotten foods and fortunately have finally come to the west! 


Most importantly, herbs have dense nutrients not found in regular foods.  Remember nutrients are what support our health, the denser the nutrients the better and because forgotten foods are nutrient dense in nature they have amazing medicinal properties.


Let’s bring back these Forgotten Foods!

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