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To Vaccinate or Not?

Mimi Takeuchi

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

The theory behind vaccine is that vaccines work by mimicking disease to develop immunity (antibodies) to that disease.  Studies show that the vaccines give the disease instead of preventing it. 

Since the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, where the government gave vaccine manufacturers immunity from getting sued, the vaccine schedule has gone from 3 shots before the Act, to over 60 doses without appropriate studies to justify the ingredients or dosages. The vaccination ingredients have toxic chemicals that are compromising our immune system. 

The US Government and the Supreme Court's position is that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe." Yet the US requires the most vaccinations for children and recommend people to get Flu vaccines which have mercury (thimerosol). Vaccines can cause neurological and immune systems dysfunction. CDC research shows that there are links to potential diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer's and Autism and others due to vaccination. As of several years ago, the effects of foreign substances entering the brain is that 1 in 6 children nerve developmental disabilities, 1 in 50 autism, 1 in 10 ADHD and 1 in 20 below 5 years old experience seizures. (probably more now…) The US has a greater rate in new born deaths than any other country.  

The Immunization theory (v. Vaccine theory) is that our bodies naturally make antibodies when we breathe viruses.  It is essential for our immune system to develop and grow by meeting natural infectious challenges.  Is it necessary for us to get so many vaccinations? Back in my days, I believe I received about 3.

The doctors giving the vaccination should inform the benefits, potential negatives and alternatives. But as medical doctors are not taught what is in the vaccine as these rapid increased doses are implemented, the doctors themselves do not typically know.  Because of this current circumstance, if we choose to get vaccinated, we (patients) should look at the ingredients in our vaccines and ensure that the ingredients do not have aluminum (nanoparticle), mercury (thimerosol) and polysorbate 80, as they are extremely toxic - or other toxic substances.  To be vaccinated is a choice and we should receive INFORMED CONSENT (being explained the good, the bad and ugly) prior to making a decision.

When I received the flu shot - I felt sick, and I rarely get sick. Since that negative reaction, I found out it was not for me and questioned what was in the Flu shot? No one told me what was in it or if there were side effects. More importantly, based on my personal track record I know that I have a better chance NOT getting a cold or Flu without it. Latest CDC statistics note that flu vaccines work 40-60%, so relying on my health statistically makes much more sense to me. In addition, not only did it not work for me, I was too sad to discover the chemicals that were injected in me, after the fact. I am truly grateful for the knowledge and experience I obtained through this Flu shot incident - things could have been worse. As you can see, I am very pro-Informed Consent. Informed Consent is critical and we owe it to ourselves to honor and respect our body. Working in business for decades, a good question to ask is who are the sponsors | funders, track records and in this case as it is affecting our body do these organizations promote health? As we are only humans, it would be prudent to be watchful of the effects of manmade solutions, science is incredible but as time and time prove there are always new discoveries for mankind - nature works as a whole and as each and every man made medication side effects proves it does not necessarily work in single “patents.”

I respect each and every one’s decision on what one intakes into their bodies as I believe it is each and every person’s responsibility to know and honor our|their body.


2021 Side note:

Here are some current virus info I take into consideration:

1. Current COVID (Corona) vaccine is a gene therapy, technically speaking not a vaccine - short and long term side effects are still unknown. Per Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca’s they are experimental until 2023 thus EUA (no liability.) Only FDA approved is Commirnity not yet here in US but Singapore.

2. Doesn’t prevent someone from getting Corona or the variant ( Israel Pfizer studies show vaccinated are the majority).

3. Doesn’t prevent transmission | spread of Corona (initial promotion was it would protect the public from transmission). Dr. Luc Montagnier - French Virologist | Nobel Prize notes that the injections are facilitating development of variants.

4. CDC to recall current PCR tests due to False Positives as of December 2021, in addition, as of May 2021 the CDC stops tracking cases of vaccinated. Per this information the ”Case” numbers are skewed in several ways. (PCR Expert: CDC has Patent on current PCR)

Are these reasons why US media news does not match Israel’s results and news? Israel mostly vaccinated with Pfizer (good live case study )is currently on High Level 4 alert while the World should be questioning what did Sweden do right? As information indicate they had no lockdowns and do not have any Cases of Corona deaths now.

5. You still need to wear a mask, at one point double mask even with vaccination...

Here is a real life example, I am on a Spiritual Inspiration list where one of the members who had 2 doses of the vaccine 2 weeks ago from 5/12 died of COVID. So....1. Was that considered a Corona death? Or a Vaccine death? Was it the Vaccine that gave him Corona? Will he be reported in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database or will he end up as the 99% who do not get reported? As the current survival rate for Corona is 99% would he have been better off without the vaccine? (People who pass away 14 days after the vaccine (even one dose) will not be counted as a vaccine injury.)

Here is the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) database (note: only ~1% of those that get injured get recorded in VAERS so that could mean increasing the calculation by ~99%.).


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